Female Hair Loss & Hair Growth Options
Hair loss is often very distressing for women. As a women’s hair becomes limp, hard to style and more and more scalp shows through every day, it becomes hard to conceal the baldness.
Hair loss in women is markedly different from hair loss in men. Whereas men lose hair at the temples and crown, women tend to experience a general thinning out of all their hair or patchy hair loss at the temples. Women rarely go completely bald.
Warning: Be very careful when shopping for a hair growth solution as it must be appropriate to the cause of the thinning hair, and to your gender. See below for important information on this.
Causes of Female Hair Loss
The real causes of female hair loss can be due to any of the following:
- genetics (the most common cause of female hair loss)
- birth control pills
- postpartum changes
- pre and post menopausal changes
- other hormonal irregularities
- crash dieting
- chronic illness or medications such as chemotherapy
Myth: hair colouring, perms, teasing and frequent washing or blow drying are not the culprits of hair loss in women: they may cause damage to your hair, but the damage is only to visible hair. They don’t affect the roots and follicles which promote hair growth.
Androgenic alopecia
Female hair loss may be due to genetic factors (rather than medical or lifestyle causes) this condition is called androgenic alopecia (AGA) or female pattern baldness.
Costly hair growth restoration surgery or drug treatments or the discomfort and unnatural look of a wig to hide thinning hair are not the only options for women experiencing hair loss. It is possible to delay the onset of AGA by recognizing symptoms of thinning hair and changing hair care options to promote hair growth, or at least reduce the rate of thinning or loss.
Bio-Fen Plus® effectively and safely treats* the causes of AGA, or female pattern baldness. Most women with this type of alopecia who take Bio-Fen Plus® notice a slower rate of their hair thinning and hair loss, and they may even grow hair back. It’s a natural, safe product in capsule form with no known side effects and it contains no harsh drugs or chemicals. No prescription is necessary.
*Results may vary
Female Hair Loss Stories
By the age of 60, up to half of all women will start experiencing some kind of hair loss, but female hair loss can actually begin in your 20s, 30s and 40s. Regardless of when female hair loss sets in, it’s always a horrible moment of realization that your days of growing new hair to replace shed hair have stopped. Women’s hair loss can deliver a sharp blow to your confidence and self image…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
What are the options regarding growing hair? or reducing the rate of thinning hair?
Three Women’s Hair Loss Stories
Helen is a 55-year-old who has always had fine, baby-soft hair. But as she got older, her hair became extremely sparse. Her hairdresser found it harder and harder to cover up her scalp as she had stopped growing new hair to replace the naturally shedding hair. While working through Helen’s remaining strands, she told Helen about hair loss in women — how she likely wouldn’t go bald like men, but that it would gradually become thinner and more difficult to manage. Helen decided to do something about it (to be continued.)
Wendy, 41, is an ambitious career woman working in a busy real estate office. Her hair is still very important to her. Her hair was an integral part of the professional image she projects to her clients. She thought she had dodged the genetic bullet of hair loss in women in her family. But when her hairline started receding at the temples and getting thin all over, she knew she could not grow a full head of hair without some help. It was now time to face the music (to be continued.)
Carly is a 28-year-old mother of three young children who also works part time as a social worker. When she started to notice the signs of increasing hair loss last year, she chalked it up to job stress and unbalanced hormones from her last pregnancy. But when she talked it over with her mother, she discovered that her hair growing problem might not be due to pregnancy. The condition runs in her family. The women, she found, were just as likely as the men to experience hair loss. But Carly resolved that it was NOT going to happen to her (to be continued.)
Female Pattern Hair Loss – Thinning Hair For genetic female pattern hair loss or baldness, there are a number of treatments available, not all of which are suitable for all women. A number of health conditions and some medications may cause follicle damage and increase the likelihood of thinning hair. Some are temporary, while others are long-term. Verify with your doctor the cause of your hair thinning & subsequent hair loss. Let’s find out what our three women decided to do about thinning hair and the onset of hair loss problems, and how happy they were with the results.
Three Women with Thinning Hair
Helen had seen the TV commercials for Rogaine™ (minoxidil) for thinning hair. Helen was sceptical of those claims and other hair loss products. She didn’t like the idea of using strong medications. Most of the products that dealt with hair loss were for men. Helen decided she’d rather hide her thinning hair than risk further harm to her remaining hair. Nervous about people noticing the extent of her hair thinning and falling out. Helen bought herself an expensive wig. She loved the style and color, and it matched the way her hair used to look 10 years ago. But it was so itchy and uncomfortable that she rarely wore it except for special occasions. Meanwhile, her remaining hair became thinner and continued to fall out. She could not deny evidence of her hair falling out when her shower drain pipe became clogged – her husband found out about the problem!
Wendy, our busy real estate agent, had heard about prescription Propecia™ (finasteride) and asked her doctor about it. He said Propecia™ is prohibited for female pattern baldness and thinning hair, because of the risk of birth defects should the woman become pregnant. So she decided to try Rogaine™ lotion for thinning hair. She found that having to leave the solution to dry on her scalp every day was a nuisance, but she persevered. After six months of starts and stops, the inconvenience was considerable and the results were unsatisfactory. She still had thinning hair. Wendy was unconvinced that the lotion would prevent hair from falling out. So Wendy stopped using RogaineTM. She is once again looking for a treatment for female pattern hair loss that works for her.
Carly, our young mom of three, wanted an easy, convenient way to treat her thinning hair. Carly did not have major hair loss yet, but was proactive in her hair care. Her solution had to be natural and safe. She started researching herbal treatments, looking for something safe for thinning hair and with minimal or no known side effects. A friend told her about Bio-Fen PlusTM capsules, saying that her husband was taking them and having good results. When Carly looked at the ingredients list and saw all the botanical extracts and vitamins, she became very interested in Bio-Fen PlusTM. She was surprised that many of those same ingredients could treat thinning hair by themselves! What a combination if all of them were used to treat her AGA. She read that women take Bio-Fen PlusTM once a day in capsule form to treat their female pattern hair loss. Carly decided to try it. That was almost a year ago. Carly says her hair stopped thinning and falling out after about 3 months on Bio-Fen PlusTM, and her hair is even starting to grow back in places. Her hair condition has also improved. Bio-Fen PlusTM was the right solution for her because of its safe, natural composition, ease of use, and low risk of side effects.
We Carry Two NPNs (Natural Product Numbers) Issued by Health Canada's Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) for Men's & Women's Capsules.
NPN Women's Capsules 80025413 | NPN Men's Capsules 80025521
Other claims approved by the NNHPD
- Helps relieve elevated blood lipids/Hyperlipidemia
- Helps the body metabolize Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins
- Prostate Health (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
- A factor in the maintenance of good health
- Helps form red blood cells and helps in their proper function.
- Helps prevent iron deficiency.