Male Hair Loss & Regrowth Options
Experts in male hair loss tell us that about half of all men with normal hair will suffer some form of male pattern hair loss over their lifetime. The vast majority of those cases will be due to genetic factors, a condition called AGA or androgenic alopecia. It’s the type of hair loss in men (and women) that we inherit from our parents. AGA can devastate healthy hair, making replacement and regrowth a costly option.
Is Regrowth of Healthy Hair a Possibility?
If you’re starting to lose your healthy hair, you’re definitely not alone. Knowing that millions of others are affected by the same problem doesn’t mean you should give up the possibility of hair regrowth! Letting go of your hair – a symbol of our youth — is one of the toughest rites of passage a man can go through.
If you aren’t quite ready to give up on your healthy hair without a fight (and go the way of Vin Diesel or Telly Savalas Kojak) then read on- there are options.
Three Men And Their Hair Loss Stories
Jose Luis had thick, wavy healthy hair all his life. He tried to ignore the fact that his grandfather and an uncle had both started losing their hair in their 30s. Family photographs were a reminder of his future fate. It was now Jose’s turn to witness his healthy hair starting to thin, then eventually fall out in his late 20s! He was embarrassed to be seen in family photos without a cap. He was shocked how fast the family curse had struck him. He had assumed his hair loss would only come after age 30. He also knew that the sooner he started treating it, the better the odds of stopping it or at least slowing it down. He visited his doctor and got advice on hair regrowth strategies. (to be continued.)
Keith ,a musician, was in his early 20s when it began. Over several years, his shoulder length healthy hair got thinner and thinner, while his hairline receded further and further. As a performer, Keith’s personality was the energy of the band, What started out as jokes about his thinning hair, was beginning to affect his confidence and it fuelled his fear the band would replace him. Keith needed some hair regrowth answers fast. Keith’s hair was part of his on-stage persona. The new fedora made him look older. He wasn’t prepared to give in to male hair loss so easily. So he decided to try surgical scalp implants as a regrowth option. (to be continued.)
Brian was one of the lucky ones. He was in his 40s before male pattern baldness caught up with his healthy hair. He had just been divorced and remarried, and felt he was getting a second chance at life. Then he started losing his hair. His wife didn’t mind — she would accept him with or without hair regrowth. Brian didn’t mind that his hair was receding a bit at the temples, but the round patch of thinning hair at the top of his head was a foreboding sign of serious baldness to come. Brian hit the Internet and starting looking for a product to stop hair loss in men. (to be continued.)
Male Pattern Baldness
AGA (androgenic alopecia) is the genetic kind of male hair loss commonly known as “male pattern baldness”. That’s the kind of hair loss that’s inherited rather than resulting from environmental or health factors.
For inherited male baldness, there are a number of treatments available such as:
Propecia® : Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor. Propecia (finasteride) should not be used by women and children Propecia is used to prevent 5-alpha reductase from converting excess testosterone to DHT, the cause of androgenic alopecia
Proscar® : If you are experiencing prostate problems, consult your doctor. Proscar (finasteride) should not be used by women and children. Proscar treats prostate problems, but has limited effect * in stopping DHT production.
Provillus® : Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor. This drug has not been approved by the FDA! Provillus (finasteride). Provillus has limited effect in stopping DHT production.
In this part, we find out what our three balding men decided to do about their hair loss and how happy they were with the results.
Jose Luis began to inquire about androgenic alopecia treatment alternatives even though his doctor recommended Propecia ™ pills, for male pattern baldness. But he was worried about potential side effects, such as impotence. There were other brands of medication for AGA, such as Proscar ™. or Provillus ™ . These brands were not options as he was concerned that his children or his pregnant wife might accidentally come in contact with the pills, which can cause birth defects if they are even touched by an expectant mother or potentially pregnant women. Propecia™, Proscar™ and Provillus™ were not options for him. Rogaine ™ foam was a messy alternative but Jose would prefer something that can be taken in pill form for convenience. The clock is ticking, his hair is thinning & falling, and Jose Luis is still pondering his options for a safe and simple treatment for male balding…
Keith, our musician friend, started the long, painful, expensive process of having hair plugs surgically implanted. He braced himself for the discomfort and expense of the surgery. Keith was shocked to see how obvious the plugs looked. Instead of dealing with his AGA, Keith found it impossible to conceal the clumps of hair that had been removed from the back of his head and “plugged” into the hairline at the front. Embarrassed, he now wears a hat on stage most of the time, waiting for his new hair to start looking normal, which it might never do.
Brian scoured the web and found Bio-Fen Plus™ capsules made with naturally-sourced herbal extracts plus vitamins. Brian had carefully weighed the risks Propecia™, Proscar™ and Provillus™. He learned that the herbal extracts work by inhibiting the enzyme that causes male pattern baldness, and the vitamins are there to support the growth of strong, healthy looking hair, without the assistance of a doctor. But what he found most impressive were the proven results with Bio-Fen Plus™*. And little risk of side effects. Within four months of starting on Bio-Fen Plus™, Brian noticed his hair was no longer falling out. And soon after that, he saw signs of new hair growing back in. And all he had to do was pop a single Bio-Fen Plus™ capsule once a day. That was something Brian could easily fit into his schedule.
We Carry Two NPNs (Natural Product Numbers) Issued by Health Canada's Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) for Men's & Women's Capsules.
NPN Women's Capsules 80025413 | NPN Men's Capsules 80025521
Other claims approved by the NNHPD
- Helps relieve elevated blood lipids/Hyperlipidemia
- Helps the body metabolize Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins
- Prostate Health (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
- A factor in the maintenance of good health
- Helps form red blood cells and helps in their proper function.
- Helps prevent iron deficiency.